HRM Options Group and its Support for Breast Cancer Awareness…
HRM OPTIONS GROUP OF COMPANIES support Breast Cancer Awareness, join us…
Cancer Type: Breast Cancer Stage 3B – it had metastasize
Symptom: I found a lump in my left breast, had mastitis had critical care insurance, so hopeful for fight. It was so big. Went to doctor.
Journey to Recovery: Did herbal cleansing of the body and went on a vegan diet first. Started Chemo, then Surgery & after surgery did Radiation. Followed up with breast implants.
Chemotherapy Side Effects: Total Hair loss, darkened nails, spots on tongue, low white blood cell count. Not bad when compared to others who got ill.
Breast Cancer is not a death sentence. One the day I was diagnosed, I cried wondering why me? But then I started to ask why not me? I thank God for cancer as it has opened my eyes to his power and saving grace.
Email us if you want us to post the full story of our CEO’s journey on her road to recovery. Today she is cancer free!
Because of our CEO’s journey, our support became personal! And that’s why we support YOU!